Fearless Social Confidence: Strategies to Conquer Insecurity, Eliminate Anxiety, and Handle Any Situation Full Books

Fearless Social Confidence: Strategies to Conquer Insecurity, Eliminate Anxiety, and Handle Any Situation Description :

Do you freeze up and avoid people because it feels like they are judging and rejecting you? Is being self-conscious preventing you from living your life?

The power of social confidence: it lets you see a world of possibility and potential versus a world of stressful anxiety and constant fear of failure. Fearless Social Confidence gives you more than victory over shyness - it gives you social invincibility and forever eliminates the feeling that you're just not good enough.

Feel comfortable anywhere and with anyone.

Fearless Social Confidence is a unique book that takes a deeper look into social confidence: what causes it, what drains it, and most importantly - what you can do about it in any situation. It recognizes how confidence is built, and takes you step by step through the process. You'll walk away knowing exactly what to do to help yourself; this isn't a book of endless analyses that help no one.

Social confidence is the number one step to any sort of self-improvement. Why listen to me? I'm a social skills and conversation coach and program designer and I've sold over 200,000 books on the matter!

Clinical psychologist and the US's leading social confidence authority Dr. Aziz Gazipura lends his thoughts in an insightful foreword.

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